No longer happy with commuting and the London rat race, I decided to indulge my biggest passion, cats, by providing a local cat sitting service as an experienced and loving cat owner.
My eldest cat Baggie, who I had since he was 8 weeks old, passed away from cancer in January 2019, almost 19 years old, a year after I set up My Cat Companion :o( He was my inspiration for this business. We also have Rosie and Ronnie, 3 years old, and Dexter, 1 year old, all cheeky British Shorthairs and Persian rescue kitty Prince Harry, who is around a year old, so there is never a dull moment for my husband and I in our cat loving home!!
A little more about me ……. I am a former veterinary assistant, and I fundraise for various cat charities and rescues including Pet Shop KIttens, Cats Protection and St Francis Persian Rescue, where I am able to combine my love of cats with meeting new people and raising money for cats in need.